


Screens*Scream*Sex is an ongoing project and performance in process, changing in duration, topic and focus with each iteration within the conceptual framework set. The project deals with sexuality in times of digitalisation, whereby emancipatory and queer-feminist images of the body are to be set against the images of mainstream pornography. No pornographic content per se is produced, but characteristic body movements that originate from the realm of pornography are reenacted and alienated.

On pleasure

Multimedia Performance, 50 Minutes

© Designathon Zürich/CH Photos: Pati Grabovicz


„On Pleasure“ focuses on the topic of pleasure in the broadest sense and turns away from purely sexual experiences and moments. Audio recordings were collected in advance from friends and acquaintances on questions such as: „When was the last time you experienced pleasure? Where in your body did you feel it? And how would you describe the sensations?“ From this, a dynamic, multidimensional description of the various shades and forms of pleasure was woven, which frames the performance auditorily. The performers focus on cyclical gestures of expansion, tension and relaxation, which are repeated rhythmically and refer to the rise and fall of feelings of pleasure and related bodily reactions.

©Giovana León

Performers: Isadora Alves, Salphinah Savin, Catherin Schöberl and Emily Whitaker

Miriam Poletti
Mayra Jenzer

Supported by:
GGG Kulturkick, Basel/CH
Unterstützt durch die Abteilung Kultur Basel-Stadt/CH

Show Reel
Password: 211023

Shown at
2023 Designathon “Reclaiming Roland”, Zurich/CH
2023 Kunsttage Basel, Lust*Art, Basel/CH
2023 Angewandte Festival, Wien/AT
2023 Zentralwäscherei, Zürich/CH

Lecture Performance

©Marc Doradzillo


In March, performers Isadora Alves, Salphinah Savin, Catherin Schöberl, and Emilymary Whitaker will develop a performance that deals with sexuality in the digital age. Images and choreography from mainstream pornography will be juxtaposed with emancipatory, queer-feminist, and personal perspectives on bodies, sexualities, and the need for intimacy. As a prelude to their rehearsal period, the four performers will allow a glimpse behind the scenes and open a space during the Till Ten Bar that can be read as their personal interpretation of a sex education class.

With the format of a lecture performance, they invite guests to come together as pseudo-experts, make fun of Sigmund Freud together and explore feminism, bodies and digital screens, which have long since become third parties in our bedrooms and sexual lives.

Performers: Isadora Alves, Salphinah Savin, Catherin Schöberl and Emily Whitaker

Miriam Poletti
Mayra Jenzer

Shown at
2023 Till Ten, Kunstverein Freiburg/DE

© Marc Doradzillo

Public Rehearsal

©Giovana León


As part of "The Nights of The Smiling Moons“ at Fondation Beyeler, interactive and participative public rehearsals were held. The audience was invited to listen, to follow and to create own movements in connection to the idea of finding pleasure in conscious awareness and (un)guided body movements. Right inside the exhibition space a moment of pleasure was cocreated and made the performance accessable for a wider audience.



Performers: Isadora Alves, Salphinah Savin, Catherin Schöberl and Emily Whitaker
Costumes: Miriam Poletti
Counceling: Mayra Jenzer
Shown at
2023 “The Nights of the Smiling Moons”
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/CH, curated by Chuz Martinez

2023 “The Sun and the Moon as the Place to Live”
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/CH, curated by Chuz Martinez


©Giovana León

+ info of the work
of the co-creators

Catherin Schöberl

Salphinah Savin 

Emilymary Whitaker 
Women should be able to obtain the progestogen-only pill
from a pharmacist without a prescription (bmj.com)