
Isadora Alves (1996, Lisbon) 
works as an actor and an artist
within the fields of performance, sculpture, video and writing.

Her works are often collaborative site-specific compositions,
where light has been the privileged material of study
in permanent dialogue with time and landscape.

Isadora is a co-founder of the interdisciplinary art collective Sympoietic Society.

In recent years, she has been focused on the engagement of the body with extreme environments, where geological change is perceptible to the naked eye. These projects often intersect with mountaineering practices, scientific fieldwork, raw data collection and native knowledge bonded to each particular landscape. She has worked in close collaboration with scientists and local communities, monitoring and witnessing the retreat of glaciers such as the Rote Wand, Adamello or Sólheimajökull and the on-going volcanic activity of the Reykjanes peninsula.