Sympoietic Society (SyS) is a no profit cultural association and collective of emerging European artists, curators, designers and researchers who aim to generate critical dialogue with the post-human through cross-disciplinary research, site-sensitive gatherings and artistic experimentation. The collective advocates for a social model organised around the the principle of “sympoiesis”, that is, of “making-with” — and, therefore, “thinking-with” and “becoming-with” — human and more-than-human entities, with the aim of creating and fostering more caring ecologies and unexpected kin-stellations.
Sympoietic Society investigates: How do we, as humans, address the responsibility for environmental losses that characterise the Anthropocene and the emergence of the current climate crisis? Our research revolves around the meaning of inhabiting a planet disrupted by the acceleration of capitalism, monoculture and extractivism. Recognising the need for processes of deceleration and decentralisation, our practice invites and supports co-creation and care between territories and species. Furthermore in our research and practice, we embrace the creative uncertainty linked to the experimentation of new ways of living together that can enhance the value of biodiversity and an ethic connected to the awareness of ecological interdependence.

Sympoietic Society: Isadora Alves (PT), Kevin Bellò (IT/UK), Lucrezia Costa (IT), Daniel Dolci (IT), Eline Gaudé (FI/FR), Sanna Hirvonen (FI), Nur Horsanali (TR/NL), Deborah Maggiolo (IT), Christoph Matt (AT/SE), Cilia Naima Herrmann (DE/SE)